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How to Choose the Right Lawn Mower? Useful Tips + 5 Things You Can’t Miss
  • Author: Bargains Online

  • Date Posted:22 April 2024

Keeping a nice lawn takes effort, especially if you don't have a lawn mower.

Think about it: manually trimming with shears is a pain. You’ll spend a lot of time hunched over and you will hurt your back.

That's why a lawn mower is a must-have. Not just any lawn mower, you need the right one.

Lawn mowers come in different types, with various blades and features.

So, how to choose the right lawn mower?

To make mower shopping a bit easier, here are some tips for you.

Know your lawn before you mow

You must understand your lawn before you even start looking for a lawn mower.

The size of your lawn matters. So, grab a tape measure or, if you’re a tech-savvy homeowner, use a drone.

For tiny patches, a simple push mower will do the trick. But for sprawling green spaces, it's time to look at ride-on options.

Lawns can also have different grass types. Some will have delicate grass that won't need mowing as often; while others will be tougher and need more frequent trims.

Bermuda, Zoysia, St. Augustine... They might sound like exotic vacation spots but they’re actually types of grass. The kind of grass you have affects how short you can cut it and how often you need to mow.

Also, almost all mowers work best on flat lawns. If yours has hills or bumps, choose a self-propelled mower or even a robotic one.

Lastly, think about how much free time you're willing to spend on lawn maintenance.

Some people find mowing their lawns relaxing. If you're one of them, spending a couple of hours behind a mower sounds like the perfect Saturday. But if you're short on time, a robotic mower is a good option.

Generally, more manual, traditional land mowers are more affordable. The fancier, more high-tech mowers with extra features will cost you more.

Sunlight graces lush green grass, the type that benefits from using the information on how to choose the right lawn mower

Find the perfect type

Choosing the right tool for the job isn’t just about cutting grass anymore. It’s about finding a lawn mower that fits not just your garden, but your lifestyle, too. 

So, before you start your panic buying, let's talk about the different types of lawn mowers.

Manual reel mowers –the classic choice

Before you go to the more advanced, techy ones, pay your respects to traditional, manual reel mowers.

They don't use any gas or electricity, meaning they emit zero-emissions, are eco-friendly, and quiet to operation. They’re very simple, without any unnecessary frills and features. But they do the job well.

If you have small to medium-sized lawns, manual reel mowers are a great option.

Petrol or gas mowers – the reliable powerhouses

A red and black self-propelled mower with a rear bagger, a key model for tutorials on how to choose the right lawn mower

For homeowners looking for a heavy-duty lawn mower, petrol or gas mowers can be for you.

Petrol or gas mowers are ideal for all sizes of lawns, especially larger ones. These powerful mowers can trim your grass in one go. 

You don't have to think about power cords and battery life. Just have petrol or gas in your storage and refill its tank.

However, the maintenance of a fuel lawn mower is a bit tedious. They also produce louder noise and emissions.

Electric mowers – the quiet innovations

There are two kinds under this type.

Corded electric mowers have to be plugged into an outlet to work. 

You'll need a long extension cord, especially if you have medium to large lawns. It's also prone to tripping if you're not careful.

On the other hand, cordless electric mowers come with a battery. This means these cordless mowers are a bit heavier than your regular electric mowers. 

You'll also need to recharge them when the battery runs out, so plan your mowing sessions accordingly. But hey, they're still eco-friendly and easier to manoeuvre around your lawn.

A battery-powered lawn mower with dual batteries, illustrating the innovation to consider on how to choose the right lawn mower

Robot mowers – the future of lawn care

Robot mowers are programmable and efficient. They're perfect for people with busy schedules and have other chores to do. You can just set it and let your mower do the job.

If your lawn has few obstacles and consistent grass types, these robot mowers can also be a great choice for you. They're quiet, efficient, powerful, heavy-duty, and eco-friendly.

Look for the right features

Don't rush into buying just any mower. 

Let's take a closer look at the features that will improve your mowing experience.

Feature #1 – adjustable height settings

This feature lets you adjust the mower's height to control how short you want your grass. You can control the height of the grass depending on your preference. It's like choosing what kind of haircut to give your lawn.

Feature #2 – mulching capabilities

When you trim your grass, the clippings can actually be good for your lawn.

Look for mowers with mulching features. These mowers chop the clippings into tiny pieces that break down over time, adding nutrients to your soil and saving you time cleaning up.

Feature #3 – hands-free technology

Lawn care and maintenance is not about working harder, but smarter.

If you have larger lawns or sloped terrains, self-propelled lawn mowers give you the option to trim your lawn without putting too much effort. They'll do the job for you to save your back and arms from pain and discomfort.

A blue gas lawn mower with high wheels, exemplifying features important for those researching how to choose the right lawn mower

Feature #4 – ergonomic designs

Ergonomics isn't just for your office chairs. You can find lawn mowers designed with your comfort in mind.

Look for mowers with easy-to-grip handles, controls that are within reach, and minimal vibration. This makes lawn care easier for you and keeps it from feeling like an unwanted workout.

Feature #5 – cruise control

Trimming your lawn can be time-consuming if your lawn mower’s mowing speed is inconsistent.

Cruise control allows you to maintain a constant speed without having to hold down its speed control lever. It reduces fatigue and helps you maintain more even cuts on your lawn.

Find the sweet spot for your budget

How much are you actually willing to spend? Knowing how much you're comfortable spending will help you pick the right mower without overspending. 

You don't need the mower with a built-in cooler or one that can send tweets about your mowing progress. 

Focus on finding the middle ground – a mower that's reliable and suits your lawn's size and type without requiring a loan

Remember, a solid, no-frills mower that does the job well is better than an expensive one with features you'll never use. 

Think about storage and maintenance

Just like cars, different mowers need different levels of care.

Gas mowers, for example, need regular oil changes, air filter replacements, and fuel management. 

Electric mowers might generally need less tinkering but might need battery replacements over time. 

Think about where you'll store your mower. Got a tiny shed? A bulky riding mower might not be the best fit. Bigger mowers need more storage space, so choose one that fits your garage or shed comfortably.

Enjoy a beautiful lawn with the right lawn mower

Choosing the right lawn mower is an important decision for a lovely lawn. The best one makes lawn maintenance simpler and keeps your outdoor space pristine.

To find the right one: 

  • Your lawn's size is your starting point. Do you have a small patch or a sprawling estate?
  • What’s work for you? Manual for the minimalist, electric for the environment-conscious, petrol mowers for users looking for a powerful option, and robotic for the tech-savvy lounger.
  • Do you want adjustable heights, mulching capabilities, and ergonomic designs? Do your research.
  • Keep your wallet in mind, but remember, quality often pays off in the long run.

It's more than just a machine. Think of your mower as a tool to create a beautiful outdoor space you can enjoy. 

With the right mower by your side, lawn care becomes not just easier, but a genuinely enjoyable part of your week.

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